Thursday, October 24, 2013

03.07 Free Choice Blog

The book I am reading is called "Elixir" it’s written by Hilary Duff. In the second chapter Clea Raymond pursues her goal of finding the mystery man who is in all of her pictures. She goes to Brazil and finally mystery man face to face. He saves her life when a man tries to kidnap her. She immediately falls in love with him for a reason she herself can’t explain. She tries to find out how he was in the back ground in all of her pictures since she was a kid and she never met him but he doesn't know how to explain it to her. My personal reaction to this chapter is shocking. I couldn't believe that she finally found the man she was so desperate to meet. At first she was scared of him and I thought that would affect the way she was with him but it seems that loves always wins in the end. I believe that the author’s intent was to surprise us in with unseen news. The author wants us to be reading at the edge of seat wanting us to read more and more. She wants us to imagine what was happening as we're reading the book. She doesn't want us to get bored. Always guessing about what's going to happen next. I think that the pattern of organization that the author is using is sequence. The author writes every event in order of how it happened. She doesn't write stories about the past or future but only of the present. BY JESSICA RIVERO.

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